Installation of IPTVx widget on Samsung Smart TV

All these operations can be performed only when the TV is connected to the Internet.
These steps are not described in the manual of the TV. The user can perform at your own risk.

Current IP address - subject to change - check [here]

C Series

Create "Develop" Account

  • Press the Internet@TV key
  • Enter the "Settings" menu
  • Select the option "Id Log in Internet@TV"
  •  Select the option "Create" and enter name "Develop"
  • Set the password (any 6 characters) and confirm with the ENTER key

Login with "Devleop" user account

  • Press the A key (red)
  • Select the "develop" user (probably will be only this one) and enter the password

Once you've logon, you have to add an IP address of the widget Server

  • Find and open the "Settings"
  • Select the Development item
  • Go to the item setting the server IP address and type:
  • (It will be remembered the server IP address even after the power is turned off.)

Previously, we created the TV special user account and added server address. Now we can download additional widgets. This operation will not affect the applications installed officially. Updating the list of widgets

  • Select in the "Internet" -> "Settings"
  • Select "Edit"
  • Select "Sync Application"
  • Wait for the confirmation window
  • Select "OK"

Now, it's important to restart TV to apply the changes, therefore switch off and on TV again.

  • Press the Internet@TV key and find additionally installed widget.

 It will be visible among the official downloaded. Simply select IPTVx   WARNING!!!   If nothing happens, when you try to install widgets or TV restarts by itself, or the Internet@TV does not boot/load widget list - follow simple troubleshoot procedure: unplug the network cable from your TV, run the Internet@TV and wait until it loads a blank panel - then plug your network cable back and repeat installation. Please do not hesitate to report any problems with downloading widgets.

D Series
  • Press the "Smart Hub" button, and then "A" (red)
  • Create a “develop” user and specify a 6-character password
  • Press the red button again and log in to the user you just created
  • Press the "D" key (blue) and select "Development"
  • In the IP settings, specify the following address
  • Synchronize the application and exit the menu.
  • Relaunch Smart Hub and choose IPTVx app
E Series
  • Press SMART TV button on your Remote Control (RC).
  • Press red [A] button to enter in account
  • Create account with login develop and any 6-digit pass
  • Press red [A] button again and enter, using just created develop account
  • Press on your RC blue [B] button if you have D Series TV or Tools button if you have E Series TV
  • Select Settings-> Development -> Setting Server IP
  • In menu appeared enter
  • Choose User Application Synchronization.
  • IPTVx should appear in apps list when the installation is finished
F Series
  • Press "MENU" button [for TVs with touch RC - press MORE, then select MENU]
  • Go to section Smart Features, Samsung Account
  • In email field enter develop and leave Password field blank[it's necessary to enter pass sso1029dev! for some model]
  • Press SMART TV button, scroll to Apps and select More Apps
  • Select Options at the top right, then select IP settings
  • Enter IP
  • Return to the Options menu and press Start App Sync
  • IPTVx should appear in the apps list, when the installation is finished successfully
H Series
  • Press "MENU" button [for TVs with touch RC - press MORE, then select MENU]
  • Go to section Smart Features, Samsung Account
  • In email field enter develop and leave Password field blank
  • Perss SMART TV button, scroll to Apps and select More Apps
  • On any of the installed apps, press and hold ENTER button down for few seconds, then select IP settings in appeard menu
  • Enter IP
  • Enter context menu again [long press on any app] and select Start App Sync
  • IPTVx should appear in the apps list, when the installation is finished

USB Installation of IPTVx

There is another way to install IPTVx with USB Smart Installer App and without using an IP address.
All you need USB drive and connected to the Internet TV.
These steps are not described in the manual of the TV. The user can perform at your own risk.
USB Smart Installer